Thursday, February 24, 2011


St. Valentine was a martyr during ancient Rome when it was ruled by a powerful pagan emperor. He was arrested and imprisoned after being caught officiating a marriage of a Christian couple which was illegal then. He was eventually executed along with other unnamed saints and we remember him during the 14th of February, hence the day, Valentine's Day, named after him. He was an advocate of LOVE, and the love for his God. His unwavering faith made him an icon of the Day of Hearts that we celebrate even at present time.

Since it is still February, 10 days after the Love Day to be exact! May I be allowed to spread the love among MSC and friends by greeting everyone...



I have put in more that a hundred entries in this blog site talking about the choir, its escapades and all, but never have I thought of writing something about the man behind this legendary group.

The man in the picture is Sir Roni Verga. As a child, I would see this guy at the choir loft of the old Maysan church. He would stand in front of snotty singing teenagers (then), making funny arm and hand gestures as if he had a disorder of some sort. I didn't realize that time that he was just doing his job as the leader of the group. Years have passed and I followed my brother and cousins' footsteps and joined MSC.  And I came face to face at last with this humble man behind the keyboard examining me and asking of what I could contribute to his group. I did my part and I did good! Modesty aside, I made a believer out of him! He made me do solos and asked for my insights regarding what song should the group study on or what style should we put in to a particular song. And most of the time, my opinions mattered.

Time went on and he taught me the basics of being a choir master. He gave me the chance to wave the baton while under his watchful eye. He somehow taught me his style, his creativity in his music and his passion that he selflessly poured down for MSC. Little did I know that he was already passing on his torch to me...

He died an unexpected death... The torch, or should I say baton was never formally passed on. I was instantly shoved to fill up his place. I had to do it because I didn't want to hush down the sound of music from MSC. I realized that it was indeed a bitter pill to swallow on my part, but it was an inevitable choice or else, all of Sir Roni's work would end up in the dumps.

I feel sorry for this new generation of members that they missed the chance to meet an extremely honorable man. He was the reason why I have this Love-Hate relationship with my choir that I have endured for the last 12 years! He who made a big impact in my life as a musician. He whom I will truly remember for as long as I live.


Just wondering...

When will I be able to put up a big musical extravaganza for my choir just like what the late great Sir Roni Verga did for MSC in the past? And he did it twice to help up raise funds for the construction of a big church. 

It has been a long time since MSC got involved with such a challenging feat. Even if we never fail to receive positive feedback from believers and friends during Sunday services and special occasions, we always held ourselves back and away from the spotlight. The complements never really lured us to the intoxicating fumes of fame and fortune. It was never my priority, even. But as I turn into my 12th year of handling MSC after the sudden passing of our good mentor Sir Roni, it got me asking myself...

So am I really contented to do just this, for good?

In the past, MSC was not just your ordinary church choir. It was also a flag bearer of this small and humble town of Maysan. Thus the name Maysan Choir, right? The group joined many inter-town and inter-parish competitions as well. Though MSC don't usually bring home the bacon, at least they get exposed to certain pressures that enable them to strive more as an excellent singing group.

Should I push myself and my team to do what the others have done in the past? That I should continue the legacy of Sir Roni? Is it up to me to tell whether MSC is ready for a major choral event or am I just putting the group into a major meltdown? 


I was browsing through my photocollection when I came across a picture of a school facade that I took a few months back. I remembered seeing the exact drawing of it made by one valued member of the group that has now migrated to the U.S. to be with her mom and dad.

Angie, who used to be so timid and small has now bloomed into a very beautiful young woman. She would sing and play the guitar, much to the amazement of her co-choir members and friends. Such a total performer! But other than that, she is also talented in the art department. Which tells me that this kid would definitely go places and has many doors of opportunities lined up just waiting for her grand entrance.

We miss you, Angeli!  

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