Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The mother and daughter tandem has long gone to San Francisco but shortly after, God blessed us yet again with the Jian and Jian Co.! Sinister sisters, Odessa (alto) and Francesca Oba (soprano) , also known as Odeh and Ikang are nieces of MSC's "tatay" Boyet. I used to see them roaming around their family compound when they were little as we hold rehearsals there in the past. Now they're all grown up and ready to become part of MSC and serve their church just like their uncle.
I recieved a note via Facebook by Ikang telling me how much she enjoys the rehearsals and the church songs. I am very much delighted that she/they feel that way.


During the reign of the "not so old" generation of MSC, there blossomed a friendship that exists like no other...

The funny yet very insightful trio of Jhun (Cruz), Leo (Ibayan) and Larry (de Guzman). All sing as Basses for MSC, they possess many very simple things in common. They make us happy, they give assitance of those who are in need and they all love their families. That is one reason why they clicked and stood the test of time. There have experienced many trials in life but they prevailed. They bravely faced and overcame every negative thing that went their ways until they've grown to be as if one impenetrable force.

As a young member during their time, I have learned a lot from them and managed to respect the value of friendship displayed by these men that I have witnessed for years and years while all of us belonged together as members of MSC.
It is sad that they had to go their seperate ways. For they have individual goals and dreams too. One now based in the US, one in UK and another one stayed in the Philippines, all living successfully in their own rights. But truly enough, the deep bonds of friendship will always be alive in their hearts and minds.

A true-blooded, macho BFF!

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