Thursday, February 18, 2010


So here you go! Another TENOR has left the active duty of being an MSC member. Mark has made a "MARK" in Singapore to pursue a career that he has dreamt of for so long! Although I really have no idea what it is particularly (ahaha..) Nonetheless, I recieved news that he passed the final interview with flying colors and was immediately hired! Whew! That is truly a relief especially with Ms. President Cocoy, the girlfriend, who anxiously awaits for news about Mark's status there.

Hang in there, bro! We'll be visiting you there sometime soon!  



February 11 was a special day for O-de! It was her 24th birthday! How time flies when till now, I could still remember hanging out at their family compound (Tatay Boyet's place as well) and seeing her running along their wide expanse of concrete space in her underwear (no pun intended)!!! HAHA! Or was she wearing one??

But now, the little girl with her signature adorable, big cheeks has truly become one great, talented woman!


But it doesn't end there. On February 21, MSC will be celebrating her birthday at Dampa, Farmers Market in Cubao along with the other February Birthday Celebrants! The cheesy details about that trip... soon.


At last! The long and much awaited birth of Baby Zaren has finally come! On February 9, Meanne gave birthto a bouncing baby boy named NiƱo Zaren at the Chinese General Hospital! So five days after, MSC immediately went for a first time glimpse at Meanne's of this new born future singing sensation of the constabulary (ahaha!). The father's a police officer, you know... 

Every child that is brought to this earth is always a blessing.

We are confident that the parents of this child will give the brightest future he could ever have! Special mention of the ever supportive younger sister of Meanne, Joanne who is always by her side!

Congratulations, Don and Meanne!
Your MSC family is very happy for you both!

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