Tuesday, June 14, 2011


As mentioned on my previous entry, the newest attraction this year was the underwater shots courtesy of Gerry Laforteza (TENOR).



I promised myself that I'd have a good time with my choir if I get to join the excursion this year inspite of my recent accident. With the help of my co-members, we figured out a way for me to soak in the pool without getting my injured arm wet.

LET'S go with plastic wrap!!!   

It was really amazing to see my co-members' faces as they watched me tentatively take little steps towards the pool. I was really apprehensive to dive in! The thought of getting an infection from the water scared me so much! But the encouragement from my MSC made me feel that they wanted me to have fun with them as well and not settle on the sidelines and sulk myself to death of envy and self pity. 

Although my posture in the water was quite weird for I had to keep my arm up to avoid any splashes (even if my arm was already covered), I could really feel that my group was happy for me that moment I dived in!   


The once calm and "unrippled" waters of the pool suddenly turned into a chaotic turbulence as soon as the group turned into their swimming attires! There were new games of "tag" in the pool that I had no idea of, synchronized diving and even underwater photosessions, thanks to Gerry (TENOR) were the latest in the group's activities this year.  

And while I was contemplating on whether to dive in or not, because of my recent injury, some others including myself settled on the videoke. But not for long!


Villa Nueva Resort was the place to be, this year. A modest house with swimming pool surrounded by clean purple walls located at Lirio St., Mira Monte Subdivision, Pansol, Laguna.

Immediately after arrival, the group wasted no time at all and started to gather all the necessary things to assemble our lunch to quiet down our growling tummies!


The food was great as always. And was definitely worth the wait!

The Karaoke Machine was already turned on and the pool was inviting for an afternoon swim. The cloudy skies was sort of an advantage that day. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right to relax and have a funfilled afternoon lounging around the pool and making music with the karaoke... heaven!!!


After a lot of debates and misunderstandings, finally the group decided on a much nearer and safer location to hold this year's MSC SUMMER AFFAIR on June 11 till 12. With Oyet still recovering from his recent heart attack and me, recovering from my accident, it is but practical for us to choose a venue that all the members would benefit from without any other concerns and hassles whatsoever. 

The assembly was early this year. Same rendezvous... Hilario's Sizzlers restaurant at 6:00am. After a few waits and last minute buys, we went on our way at about 9:30.  

After an hour or two, with a few stop overs for bathroom breaks along the way, the familiar signs were already seen and the level of excitement of the group especially the youglings went several notches higher. The resort is almost within our reach! 

The magnificent sight of Mt. Makiling that looms on the horizon somehow served as a welcome treat to us visitors who seek for a wonderful time in the province on which she stands.

Upon arrival to the town of Pansol, where numerous private resorts were offered to be leased, we had to stop by the "Brick House" which is owned by an uncle of MSC siblings, Meanne and Jhoanna. Apparenly, the place was reserved that particular weekend for another group. But we had an opportunity to tour the place while the others looked for a nearbly available resort. 

       Meanne and Jhoanna with Mom and Baby Zaren

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