Monday, June 20, 2011


Finally, it was time for us to leave. Bags were packed, the venue paid up and the rooms and beds has been returned to their naturally organized state.  But surely, we leave Laguna with a pleasant smile on our faces knowing that we all genuinely had a great time together.

How could one miss a quick stop at D'vinia's buko pie, to buy for "pasalubong"? 

The traditional group picture

Honestly, even before this outing happened, I already imagined this year's group picture to be once again shot on the beach. The beautiful scenery of the sky meeting the ocean on the vast horizon as background while our feet are being dreached in briny waters. But due to some unfortunate events that I'd rather not talk about in this entry, we settled once again to a much nearer and more practical venue. 

I would also like to congratulate this year's President Jaypee and Vice Glady for their hard work to make this event possible in spite of the minor mishaps during the planning period. Special thanks to  Ate Bhing for selflessly contributing some funds to help out with the expenses.

Until next year...  


I woke the following day at about 6:40 in the morning. The sun hasn't yet shown his full splendor. The venue was deserted. Not a soul has awaken yet. I had to get up and take my meds afterwhich, prompted me for some naughty but wholesome fun...

Take pics of the peeps while they sleep!!! 

After an hour or so, one by one, the members rose up from their bunkers to help out in preparing breakfast. The kitchen was once again filled with busy bees! The breakfast was dominated with EGGS! There was omelets, sunny side ups, salted eggs with tomatoes etc!!! 

After breakfast was another session in the pool! This year's chore assignments was a big improvement compared to last year. Everyone helped out! Not a single members idled and all contributed their services no matter how simple or complicated it was.

While others wasted no time at all and started preparing food for lunch!

After lunch was the hard part. It was time for us to pack up and leave. The thought of going back to the real world is quite daunting. School's up the next day and yet for others, work, work, work!   


After dinner, and when the pots and pans, plates and all been cleared out and dealt with, it was time to dive into the pool again, serve out some booze under the moonlight and party on.

Drinks were served by the pool courtesy of Jaypee, our president. It was a concoction of sorts. Unfortunately, due to my post-injury meds, I was not permitted to drink with them that night. But I bet the booze was a hit for most of them. 

(DISCLAIMER: The younglings were not permitted nor harassed by the elders to drink. ) 

The group partied on until slightly after midnight. We were steadily decreasing in number. Most have gone up and called it a day while others, including me remained for another round of throat scratching, ear-piercing karaoke Death-Match! It was all good fun.    

It was always a nice feeling whenever I see my MSC having a great time together. The highlight of the event has come and gone and the events of the night will once again be recorded in our  fondest memories. But the outing is still not over until the group wakes up the next morning.

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