Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've been maintaining this blog site for the past two years and I've never been so proud of this banner that I've created which is American Idol inspired (don't want to really copy the whole thing!).  This is due to my following to the latest season of American Idol. Last time I got so obsessed with AI was during David Cook's season.

Weird enough, this obsession wasn't actually about any particular contestant but because of Idol's new roster of judges. Yes, Simon Cowell was a big loss for Idol but the thing is, I'm actually appreciating Steven Tyler's critique in the competition. I know he had his share of naughtiness in the past as a wild rockin' musician. And for sure his reputation wasn't at all that perfect. But because of his long time experience in the music industry, plus the fact that he did a lot of real great songs, his comments somehow show me of his well earned respect and credibility!  

Hopefully, I did justice to the banner. So there.  

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