Wednesday, June 17, 2009


By 2:00 AM, the party was officially over. It was time to call it a night and go to bed. Although there were rumors going around within MSC that there was a mysterious being roaming around the kitchen checking if there were still some food left to be eaten. Certainly it wasn't a ghost but a tabby cat named Pimie, notoriously known for her after hour indulgences which she has done even during our previous overnight affairs!

By 6:00 AM, I decided to get up and check whether there were already some people awake downstairs. And to my surprise, the sunny kitchen was already bustling with activities! Eggs, beef tapas and longganisas were already frying away! Even the fried (adobo) rice was in the process of perfection while some of the members patiently wait in front of the TV sipping their hot coffee until all were awake and the food, ready to be served.

Then came the atomic bomb of the kitchen... The cooking of Danggit! I remember seeing some of the members rushing away from the kitchen in an effort to dodge from the grasp of the foul, fishy smell of this Cebuano specialty. But you'll forget the smell of it after you've tasted it for sure!

Cheers to the people who prepared all of these food! The hands that brought a culinary throwdown that I was so honored to witness that day. A big breakfast buffet, complete with stylish presentation that would take TAPAKING down from his thrown! It certainly was a meal too hard to pass off. What a way to start the day! (continued)


After our hearty lunch (hearty: when the cholesterol begins to wrap around your heart's aorta after too much intake of oily foods) and the group has already been full, settled and relaxed, some members carried on with their karaoke concert marathon, some dived into the pool for a nice, warm afternoon swim (the pool water comes from the hot springs of Mt. Makiling by the way) while the others dozed off for a nap to gear up for the anticipated party-all-night later on.
And by dusk, when yet after another sumptuous dinner was over and done with, indeed the resort went on to a full blown party atmosphere!

And what party would it be without some booze prepared by our very own in-house "tanggera", Pimie? But compared to last year's "drinking session", this one's a bit milder. Many of the members opted to swim and horse around the pool and make exhibitions with the pool slide rather than get drunk which was good, for no one plans to clean after another one's vomit due to too much drinking anyway, right? (*wink wink) (continued)

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