Friday, May 20, 2011


I was recently alarmed when I heard the news that one of MSC's premiere member Oyet de Galicia suffered a heart attack while at work and was rushed to the hospital and put in the Intensive Care Unit for three days. 

Through the help of text messaging and facebook, MSC members were able to communicate with each other regarding Oyet's current ordeal and were able to make a prayer campaign for his quick recovery. Sure enough, our prayer was answered! Although still a bit weak, he is now recovering and out of the ICU getting ready for discharge a few days from now. Thank God!

Now, I call on my MSC for a paradigm shift! Let us all try to control our urges for unhealthy foods, vises and habits! I think leading a healthy lifestyle is the key for a longer and more producive life. Hopefully we won't have to recieve another urgent news like that in the near future!  


The humble town of Maysan celebrates its Fiesta on May 11 every year. The prominent people of Maysan usually surface out during this time, making sure that everything about the fiesta celebration is in order. Some sadly goes out for campaign purposes but it is always a relief to know that a significant number of people still helps out because of their pure intentions and their devotion to the town's patron saint.

The familiar sounds of the brass band parading around the streets of  Maysan always brings me back to the time when I was one of those who make the street flags and decours that brighten up the town during fiesta season.

According to some sources, the earlier members of MSC always help out to prop up the church during the Maysan Fiesta. They were present from preparation, to the singing for the High Mass, to the eating that goes after... one house after another!

Thanks to the advancement of technology and the power of advertizing, we don't have to make those painstaking signages and decorations from scratch. We just send out solicitation letters to people and businesses who are willing to sponsor for such!

I was stoked to see how the Maysan Chapel was propped up for the occasion. The picture of how the old Maysan Chapel appears in my mind's eye, is somehow slowly fading away and is gently veering me to modernity and progress. Although there were mixed reactions regarding how the old church's appearance came out after its major renovation. 

The Maysan Fiesta 2011 was a success. Cheers to the organizers. This tells me that the people of Maysan are still united when it comes to occasions like this! That they are always ready to set aside their other tasks to participate in the celebration whatever and however they can.

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