Sunday, January 2, 2011


My long day with MSC started at 3AM when I was awaken by my cellphone alarm followed by a call from Cocoy, MSC President telling me to rise up from bed and get dressed for "Simbang Gabi". With an ample amount of an hour at hand, I moved quickly as I could to make it on time before the start of our "two-tier" mass services of the day. I went out still dark and the sun hasn't even shown the very tips of its rays.

We had two, tiring consecutive Mass services that day and some of us, including me were still sleepy and hungry after finishing the second service. Since it was still early and we doubted that our favorite resto/hangout (Hilario's Sizzlers) was still not open for business yet, we opted to go for a brief joyride to a nearby 24-hour eatery called Glyca's just across SM Valenzuela, along McArthur Highway, where they serve noodles, beef and fried rice. The perfect "pick-me-up"!

Then, the pack went back to my place for our weekly rehearsals followed by a short briefing about our upcoming Christmas Party and exchange-gifts activity. While meeting was still in effect, some of us are already starting to whisper amongst each other about an imminent visit to Greenhills for some shopping for gifts and a Buffet Dinner that will follow after...    

Cocoy, Mark, Oyet and I instantly signed in! It was a perfect opportunity for me to finish off my christmas chores to buy gifts for my godchildren at very reasonable prices! There were so many shoppers in Greenhills that day that you just rely on the steady stream of people to get you from point A to B. All the alleyways were packed! Lucky for us, we had only a few things to buy. But still, it was quite exhausting. A quick snack at Krispy Kreme for a little glycogen reload helped in boosting up our energy enough to get us out from this vast mob of shoppers. Glady followed and met us at Krispy Kreme.

After Greenhills, we headed straight to Saisaki Restaurant in Quezon City for our Ultimate Buffet Dinner.   

 (Japanese themed plate for Tito Oyet)

 (Mackoy, going for another helping of ice cream.)

My tummy felt like it would burst anytime but I'm pretty sure my companions felt the same way too. We spent almost two hours of eating, non-stop! The only break we get were quick trips to the bathroom and back to the bufftet area to get some more food! I had a good plate filled with my favorite Kare-kare and the other meals almost didn't matter to me anymore. My co-foodtrippers opted for fruits, Japanese food and sweets. 

It was such a tiring yet fun and gastronomic! And I would certainly do it all over again with them next time.☺  

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