Sunday, January 23, 2011


A happy celebration, a meeting or just a simple gathering among really good friends wouldn't be complete without ice cold Red Horse beer served at the table.  

I have no idea how this harmonious connection came about. I didn't even start off liking this. I was fond of drinking a different brand. But somehow, since I'm most of the time with "Red Horse" people, it kinda grew on me and I started liking it.  

I'm not saying that drinking is good. It really depends on each and every person's tolerance and open-mindedness. I just always remind myself constantly to avoid getting drunk!


The most special day in Tey's life has finally come to pass on a beautiful Saturday morning, January 22, 2011 at the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish Church. It was rainy the previous night and I was worried it would still be the same atmosphere the next day. Fortunately, good weather turned up the next morning. 

The wedding celebration was attended by close friends and family of Tey and Ramir. Tey's ever loyal MSC family was present to sing for her as well. It was a bit tiring on my part doing multi-tasking. I had to amke sure that ALL my duties as secondary sponsor and choir conductor are well properly delivered. I had to run around in church, literally.  

The reception followed at the Multi-Purpose hall of OLHRP. Some of MSC had already left for their other duties and engagements for the day. It was a good thing that they made it to wedding mass (whew!). But most of us stayed to partake on the feast prepared by the newlyweds. Most of the guests were actually already too anxious to approach the buffet table for it was already way past lunch time.
The party was an array of emotions. Seeing Tey and her hubby from were I was seated tells me that they were having a blast at their own wedding party. They made sure to entertain all who came and had their pictures taken with them. Tears poured down Tey's eyes when it was her time to give her message to her guests and family at the latter part of the program which only shows how thankful she is for how her wedding turned out.

I left with a smile stamped on my face thinking that my cousin, friend and co-MSC, Tey has finally found someone to share her life and dreams with forever!

Best wishes... ☺ 

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