Friday, February 27, 2009



As for some who may have known him for so long, they would likely say that he could appear snobbish and intimidating. But once you get a chance to chat with this fellow, you would realize how great this person truly is! He is generous in so many ways and a friend to so many people! He could cook you a feast and leave you craving for more! A true asset for the Tenors... and the choir! He is very frank and straightforward which can be offensive at times (REALLY). But a few slaps on the face wouldn't hurt when it came from a true friend.

And most of all, beyond that serious facade is a gentle, endearing and flamboyant person!

FAMOUS LINE: "I have a name! And my name is OYEEEET!"


Gerry "Ponga" Laforteza.
Silent water runs deep.
Deep that when it comes to his jokes and gags, he could always dig up lots of it stashed even in the deepest corners of his mental archives. Quick thinking and great timing on the delivery of his funny remarks are always his forte!

Mr. President 2007-2008
He was one of those who would go away from the spotlight and give the others their chance to shine. But not for long! It was when the time came that he would prove his worth for MSC when the group voted him as President! In spite of being a "rookie" father and a career person, he managed to sqeeze in his busy sched things that were needed to be done for MSC. Like attending monthly meetings, text messaging us to remind scheds (waking us up during 5:00AM masses) and even the simplest of things like being present in each and every activity the choir had during his term with all his might! In short, he accepted the challenges of being a true leader, setting aside its perks and glamour.
Tito Gerry's Leadership will always be acknowledged along with the great past presidents of the Group and his legacy will live on forever!

Fashion Sense
In this photo, taken at the Chinese General Hospital, he made time to color-coordinate with the trashbins! ahaha!


In 2008, MSC went on an excursion as one of its annual activities in the province of Laguna. Thanks to generous members currently working abroad and others celebrating their birthdays on those particular months (May and June) who willingly shelled out some cash to make this excursion possible.

It was quite a fantastic opportunity for MSC to renew its group spirit, bond with one another and simply to unwind even for such a short time away from the real world. From the delicious food that we brought, the food prepared on site by our wonderful "elders", the bottomless booze that we got to consume until the wee hours of the morning to the videoke jamming that could wake Mount Makiling up, we all feel blessed and very much satisfied!

Activities like these are just but icing on a cake. What matters is we all enjoyed each other's company in everything we do. Thanks to Ate Bhing for the MOOLAH, Pimie and Tita Pines (Pimie's Mom) for the VENUE, Tito Oyet and Ate Jo for preparing the food and Tito Boyet, for always providing us the ride each and every year!

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