Thursday, December 16, 2010


The Misa de Gallo (Simbang Gabi) is here! Faithfuls devote nine masses in the evening or at dawn until Christmas Eve!

One scheduled mass I am very fond about this year is the Simbang Gabi held at the newly renovated Chapel in Maysan which is at 6:45 PM. When many people coming home from their day jobs could conveniently attend service and partake in the Holy Eucharist.

The things I miss the most during this season is seeing the people flock towards the church for "Simbang Gabi", the cool breeze of the December wind while faint sounds of Christmas carols play as I walk in the dark at the early hours of day. Then after the mass, a feeling of bliss, smelling the pleasant aroma of steaming puto-bumbong and bibinka at the sidewalks...

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