Tuesday, August 23, 2011


On the morning of 19 August, 2011, Pablo "Bong" Francisco, brother of MSC Alum Luz Francisco-Bondoc was shot dead in front of his house. Fatal gunshot wounds took his life. Witnesses say that the killer was all ready roaming around the vicinity of the house a day before Bong was murdered. 

His widow says that the cause of this incident may be work related for Bong was killed a few days after being promoted to a higher ranking bank official.

I can't imagine why some people would come down to killing someone because of envy! I pray that the killer will be caught and JUSTICE will be served!



It was a rainy Saturday night on August 13, 2011. After our weekly FEAST Music Ministry rehearsals, we headed straight to Lim's resort, a private resort just across from where I live to attend a swimming party of birthday girl, Karesse Marzan. 

According to Karesse, every year, when she throws a party on her birthday, her guests always get drenched of the heavy rains and flood so this year, she decided to make it a swimming party so getting wet would not be so much of an issue! Good point!

There were lots of food and booze for everyone! Since most of her guests are singers, a nice sound system set up for videoke was utilized to help liven up the party even more. The singers from the Music Ministry took turns on the microphone and were very much enthused to accommodate any song requests from the crowd!

Unfortunately, only a few MSC members made it to the party. It would have been a major riot (in a good way) if all of her close MSC family were there. =)

God bless you more!


Finally, a night with MSC with Leo and Gigie! On August 10, MSC had a simple yet funfilled mini-reunion at Bernard's Place in honor of Balikbayans, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ibayan. Two fruitful years in London after their previous vacay in their homeland, The couple is back with their family to reunite with friends and relatives including MSC.   

Traditional "Pinoy" foods were prepared by Gigie! These were the things we used to eat every Sunday after our service. Our "Beinte-beinte" tradition was always a hit with MSC. And it's nice that many of our members of our generation remember it till now.

Most of the attendees of this event were batchmates of the couple from London.

The requisite Videoke Machine during a gathering like this.

A party not to be missed!

Thank you Leo, Gigie and family for your generosity and willingness to share your blessings to your beloved MSC!
Aside from the fact that I haven't been active in the blogging department for quite a while, MSC hasn't been in the Church scene for almost two months now. This is due to the implementation of some church officials of their own version of a means of "MOTIVATION" for all of those who serve OLHRP (note the irony!).

This thing that has been happening is actually bothering me, big time!

Because of this, MSC seems to have lost its touch. The members have been in a state of dormancy that I'm urgently praying that it would pass at the soonest possible time! 

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