Sunday, April 4, 2010


There is another reason why we should celebrate this day aside from Easter Sunday... It's Gerry's Birthday!!!

Don't worry, guys, Gerry will be feeding our food mongering tummies during our summer excursion coming real soon! Just be patient, everyone!

May you be blessed always as well as your loved ones!!!


Easter Sunday used to be the culmination of months of rehearsals and quality bonding with MSC. But not this year!

The organizers of the Easter event in our parish decided to assign a different choir to serve during the Easter Vigil and the Easter Sunday Masses. Thus breaking the long-time tradition of MSC each and every year. I would definitely consider this a legacy handed to us by our elders and in just a snap of a finger, is gone.

I do not have any qualms about this unfortunate situation. Considering it "unfortunate" may be a bit over the top. Some of our members (especially the younglings) had much different priorities compared to the members of the past. When a chance to spend time with MSC is already a priviledge and an opportunity worth grabbing. Some opted to go on vacation to take advantage of the long weekend holiday. some probably spent quality time with family. And I can't blame them. I tend to choose the same as well, given the chance (ahaha!).

I just miss the extra practices, the pressure, the traditional foods served during this season...

But I sincerely hope that the members spent their holidays meaningfully... Where and however it may be.  


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