Saturday, May 1, 2010


On a hot summer day of April 9, 2010, a bunch of old choirmates and good friends decided on an impromptu summer getaway to Morong, Bataan. The chosen venue was Coral View. A prestine beach resort with fine grayish-white sands and a spectacular view of the sunset. 



Best buds Leo (Ibayan, BASS) and Larry (de Guzman, BASS) together with their families along with (hrrrm!)... me went on an overnight adventure up north! It was such a perfect scenario for all of us! I was glad that Gigie (ALTO), the wife of Leo was pleased and very satisfied as well as the kids! Friends catching up, drinking a couple of beer while enjoying the briny aroma of the sea breeze while watching over the kids frolicking in the water having the time of their young lives. A lot of laughing and reminiscing. What more can a man want? 

Once again, I have proven that no matter how long friends go apart, as long as they still choose to be friends, the bonds would surely be in-tact forever!  

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