Saturday, May 29, 2010


Just when it seemed like MSC has had its last pour of new recruits, God provided the group with a good batch of new members who have very promising vocal chops!
Everyone was happy about the turnout of the auditions. The auditionees were even surprised themselves of how easy was it to get through the auditions. Personally, I always believe that I could always identify whether there is talent in a person or none at all. I believe it's a gift.

For this batch, I am confident that they have what it takes to bring it! Attitude is  also one important factor. The ability of a newbie to jive and mingle with his or her choirmates is something MSC values very much. The improvement in singing (whether there is a need for it) will definitely follow as they go along with the group. There are still a lot of room for improvement regarding their singing abilities. But just the same, I thank God for blessing us with new servants of the church.  


On the 26th of June, MSC will be singing for the Thanksgiving Mass of MSC Alum Sr. Yolanda "Yoyo" Dionisio. She used to serve OLHRP as a choir member of MSC under the direction of the late Sir Roni Verga. Now, she celebrates her 25th Feast Day as a true servant of the Lord being a Sister (Nun) of the Daughters of Saint Paul Monastery. 

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Fuel up! A phrase used to power up automobiles. But how about fueling up long lost friendships??

A few days after our infamous Coral View, Bataan adventure, we headed to the city for a night to unwind with another group of MSC alumni. Lynet Danao (ALTO, Alum) and Len de Leon (SOPRANO, Alum) joined in this time. Very good friends of Gigie (Serzo-Ibayan, ALTO) whom she hasn't seen for ages! We headed to a bar located in Don Antonio, Commonwealth, QC called "Fuel Up!", owned by famous filipina celebrity actress, Angel Locsin. But she was not there that night. Too bad... 

The place was dark but cozy, filled with familiar beats and jives of the 80's new wave music. Both the crew and the guests were friendly and game! The girls from the other table even invited us to dance with them when dance music started to be played by in-house band, "ARKO" at the latter part of their set.      

Another unforgettable experience I had was when my table requested the band to have me on stage to sing with them. I had no choice but to do what they wanted for I won't hear the end of it for sure! Not because I was a show-off but I was simply ever so ready to please my friends especially Gigie and Leo whom I haven't seen for almost three years!


The suave, warm night got even warmer by the love and happiness we felt amongst each other. All in all, it was a perfect night.


On a hot summer day of April 9, 2010, a bunch of old choirmates and good friends decided on an impromptu summer getaway to Morong, Bataan. The chosen venue was Coral View. A prestine beach resort with fine grayish-white sands and a spectacular view of the sunset. 



Best buds Leo (Ibayan, BASS) and Larry (de Guzman, BASS) together with their families along with (hrrrm!)... me went on an overnight adventure up north! It was such a perfect scenario for all of us! I was glad that Gigie (ALTO), the wife of Leo was pleased and very satisfied as well as the kids! Friends catching up, drinking a couple of beer while enjoying the briny aroma of the sea breeze while watching over the kids frolicking in the water having the time of their young lives. A lot of laughing and reminiscing. What more can a man want? 

Once again, I have proven that no matter how long friends go apart, as long as they still choose to be friends, the bonds would surely be in-tact forever!  

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