Wednesday, May 27, 2009


As we get ready for the coming month of June and all the fiestas and May Flower festivals have almost all been over and done with, there is still one more celebration in our community left that is yet to look forward to! The Kerygma PAPURI FEAST!
Last night, we, the MUSIC MINISTRY of the FEAST had our final rehearsals for the much anticipated Spiritual Gathering on Saturday, May 30, which is also the anniversary since the time the Kerygma Feast first landed in our area.
In the middle of this process of rehearsing and fine-tuning our songs for the event, I learned a valuable lesson from our Worship Leader, Bro. Danny Anonuevo. That the purpose of our group is to MINISTER the congregation to sing praises to the Lord and be inspired by the message of the songs that we sing and not just to PERFORM like singing in a concert.

This month's FEAST will be held at the Valenzuela City Center for the Arts at 6:00PM. Hopefully many would come and be blessed.

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