Monday, January 24, 2011


Yeah, I know this is a bit late already but after weeks and weeks of rehearsals under the watchful eye (or ears!) of Tito Danny Añonuevo, the Feast Valenzuela Chapter finally had its second major praise and worship concert at the Maysan Barangay Hall on January 8, 2011.   

"Let's R.O.C.K." or Rejoice Over Christ's Kingdom was organized once again by the Light Of Jesus community of our parish. It aims to raise funds for future activities and to donate some money to our parish as well.

Some of MSC's members including me were part of the music ministry just like last year. Too bad, Karesse (SOPRANO) was not able to attend practices due to her new job thus giving up her place for now in the concert.  

This event was priorly concieved as a Christmas concert. But due to problems with reservations for the venue and other stuff the higher ups of the Kerygma Family decided to move it at a later date. Positive reviews from the attendees poured down on us right after inspite of the many glitches we experienced minutes before the concert. Makes me feel God's presence all the more during times of adversities and that He will always make things turn around positively.

 To God be all the Glory!!! 

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