Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This topic has long been overdue... But I'll still post it nonetheless:

Because Christmas is just around the corner, the elders of MSC have decided for the group to have a weekly collection of twenty bucks from each member who have been with us for a certain period of time.

Members who will come late during the Mass and rehearsals shall pay an additional 20 bucks as penalty. Even the members who fails to attend the mass and the rehearsals will definitely not be spared. This aims to teach the members of punctuality and reliability to the group. There were no complains nor violent reactions from the members so the plan materialized on September, 2009!

All the proceeds would automatically be spent during most of our special activities like Christmas Party and Summer Excursions. Our newest "tax collectors" are sinister sisters, Ode and Ikang... Be good and pay up, everyone!

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