Friday, June 10, 2011


The night of May 26, 2011, was the most unforgettable moment I have ever experienced in the 35 years of my existence in this world!

I had a friend who visited me that night. Had a couple of drinks at the Hilario's Sizzlers Garden area. When we were finished, I closed the gates, locked them and walked on home. Then I realized I forgot my wallet in the garden and I had to get it. With no spare keys to let me in the garden again through the gates, I had no choice but to climb the fence to get inside, which I already did a couple of times before. It was a success! I got inside and got the darn wallet and started to climb back the fence to get out. 

Then it happened! I slipped... It was all a blur. A succession of events that ended my arm skewed on one of the sharp, flat bars that rowed the whole length of the fence! With all the strength I could muster, I unskewed myself and started thinking on what to do next. I called on Jesus that night as if the sun won't shine on me again ever!!! I believe that He provided me with the presence of mind to do what is right that night! And I felt calm and peaceful in spite of the pain which is already starting to surge my brain.  

All bloodied and trousers torn (which I don't recall why that happened), I ran along the streets, got into a tricycle and told (pleaded?) the driver to bring me to the nearest hospital for immediate treatment. I called my Brother whom he was with other close MSC friends and family that night, on the way. They got to the hospital as fast as they could and decided that they transfer me to MCU hospital.

There, I had the nightmare of nightmares! The cleaning of the lacerated skin and underneath, the anaesthesia injections, multiple stitches and sutures for my two BIG wounds! Something I only see on TV especially during New Years! And I repeatedly asked myself, "what have I gotten myself into, again?". The pain was so intense that I felt as if I was going to die. Fortunately, my brother, Arnel, my Tito Larry de Guzman (BASS) and Ryan de Guzman (TENOR) were all there at my side for support. Their hands even served as my squeeze ball during that whole process.

Actual Picture of my injured arm

I was admitted and confined for close observation of the wounds and was discharged 2 days after. 

Now, my stitches are healing. I'm starting to act and feel normal again after two weeks of medications and close monitoring for possible infections (it wasn't a clean wound to start with). Hopefully no adverse and untoward effects would occur. 

Me, after 4 days

Thank you, Lord for saving me. Praise You always for being my ever present help!  

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