Saturday, December 17, 2011


According to MSC President Jaypee and his Vice Glady, this year's Christmas Party is to be held on the 29th of December.

Like the past MSC Christmas Parties, it is usually held after Christmas day itself so each and every member would be able to attend their other Holiday Chores and take advantage of the free time without the group activities getting in their way. The group usually encourages each member to prioritize their families first rather than not being visible in their own homes during the holidays because of choir stuff.

The group usually understands and caters to all the members' concerns. 

Happy Holidays to y'all! and see you on the 29th!     

Friday, December 16, 2011


Seems to me that somebody is indeed having the time of her life in Macao, China!

Karesse works at the famous Venetian Hotel in Macao where she sings her heart out for tourists and clients of the hotel on a gondola which sails around an indoor river mimicking the town of Venice in Italy. Her dream job, realized!  


That same "Dampa" night, with still a lot of extra cash because the sumptuous meal we had was not very expensive at all, we decided to go on a night cap at Eton Centris at Quezon Avenue cor. EDSA. The coffee shop of choice was Coffee Bean. 

We spent a couple of moments there appreciating the Christmas Theme set up in that place before deciding to head home and call it a night. 


Last 13th of December, MSC was supposed to have an extra rehearsal night at my place. But with the poor response of the members because of their erratic scheds and misled priorities (it happens), the elders of the group, AKA the "MACAO delegates" decided to just spend the night at a shanty resto/eatery located at Timog Avenue in Quezon City. 

The place can be very decieving. It may be dreary and relatively unglamorous but they serve great food! One of the reasons of going there in the first place was for their famous baked oysters. The oysters were simply topped with a generous helping of a mixture of butter, cheese and garlic that is so unexplainably to die for!!!

We actually ordered three platters of those and it was indeed a blockbuster!

It was a seafood extravaganza thus the title, "Dampa Night" right? The best part was that the price is very much affordable!


The Kerygma Feast of Valnzuela has been constantly growing in multitudes since its humble beginnings a few years back. People are starting to be enlightened of the many blessings and benefits a Christian could harvest in God's mighty kingdom.

In the spirit of the Christmas season, the builders of this community put up a Worship concert entitled "Jump for Jesus" that will be held on December 18 at SM Valenzuela Cinema 1 at 2:00 in the afternoon. Be prepared to be the "energizer bunny" on that day for it will be whole afternoon of music and worship  dedicated for the Lord!

MSC will be supporting the said event and will be singing during the Mass part preluding the concert proper. See you there!

The Lord is my strength and my shield;
My heart trusts in Him and He helps me.
and I will praise him with my song.

PSALM 28:7

Monday, November 28, 2011


On the 12th of November, 2011, another one of the beautiful daughters of Francis and Nhena Amorin got married at the Church of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish in Maysan, Valenzuela. The eldset of five children, Joanne was swept away by the love of NiƱo Tan and finally decided to tie the knot after being engaged for years.

It was a very happy moment for the Amorin family and it was such an honor that MSC was chosen to be a part of it. Preparations were done by MSC months before this big event and thankfully, the group managed to fulfill its duties by singing successfully on that wedding day same as when Heidy "Badek" Amorin, sister of the bride got married to Marvin Patawaran a few years ago.  

A shy but very beautiful Joanne emerged from the big gates of the church accompanied by her loving sister and Maid of Honor Annalyn and the her parents a well while the groom, in his elegant suit awaits to meet her at the altar.

I was truly amazed by the efforts of my choir to have dressed to the nines that day. For a moment there I thought that the MSC could truly pull off being a respectable and well-mannered group (ahaha!). Even the guys dressed up nicely that day inspite of the extreme afternoon heat experienced by all of us at church. 

The wedding reception was the the Light of Love Events Place somewhere in E. Rodriguez Avenue in Quezon City. The place was like a giant garden with a building at the center that could probably hold 5 to 10 different events all at the same time. The trees surrounding the place were filled with lights that looked like fireflies when viewed from afar. It was magical and nothing short of amazing! 

The function room chosen to hold the now Mr. and Mrs. NiƱo Tan was cozy and not that big, just enough  to accommodate a few chosen loved ones including us, of course! The food was great, as always. The guests can freely go outside to enjoy the surroundings and the other things the couple's family has set up for us like the photobooth and the mobile bar! 


(Do you think they with soon get married as well? Ask Tito Francis about it!)


Saturday, September 24, 2011


After almost three months of non-service at the OLHRP church, MSC finally has gotten back on track. Weekly Practice Sessions have commenced and of course the weekend gimmicks with the group that come after are back!!!

We kicked off this month with a "two-venue" breakfast. First was at a newly renovated restaurant along McArthur Highway (my apologies, I forgot the name).

The food was nicely plated, the restaurant, large and roomy with different functional areas to dine in and it's a shame on my part for forgetting the name of the place. Hopefully, we'll have a chance to come back there again soon. The group chose to dine in a chozy nook on the upstairs part of the place which you'll be able to enjoy the view of the very cluttered and polluted McArthur Highway.  

While we're at it, what is breakfast without some fancy Grandes and Ventis? So our next stop was to the not so farther north, at Starbucks along NLEX, Marilao.

It is always nice to splurge a couple of dough to endulge on one's cravings once in a while surrounded by the people you could genuinely laugh and spend meaningful time with. It is always worth it.


The Balikbayan is at it again! Our very own Ate Bhing, who is in the country right now for some extended vacay from slaving away in Australia, finally threw a karaoke party at the "MUSIC BANK" along Timog Avenue in Quezon City.

It was such a musical extravaganza that night! Since we are of different ages, our music somehow differs in genres. Nonetheless, everyone had a chance to shine that night and show off each and everyone's singing prowess! There was literally no room left for the food on the table. The food just kept on coming in! My favorite was the fried chicken. The meat was so tender it literally falls off the bone! Something i would surely come back for!



An unsuspecting birthday celebrant, Mackoy was "punked" at the OLHRP church on 4-September. The group always have a motiff to wear during our Sunday services. It always serves as a uniform since we really don't have an official uniform (yet!). 

The goal was to make Mackoy were a shirt of a different color so as to make him stand out from the group thus emphasizing that it is his Birthday, that day! It was a success! And we couldn't hide our giggles and chortles during the mass. After the service, we headed to Mr. T's Inasal along McArthur highway for a luncheon courtesy of the birthday boy! 

Of course everyone felt bloated and satisfied after the luncheon. Truly, everyone had a great time, Thanks to Mackoy and co-organizer and Girlfriend, Cocoy!



On the night of 16-September, the people of the Valenzuela Feast Music Ministry gathered at our place to throw a sending off party for our beloved Karesse. She will be leaving for Macau to pursue a career as a singer in a prestigious hotel there called "The Venecia". She got a 6-month contract and hopefully, if things work out fine for her, she will be able to be a regular there.   

Karesse's MSC family wasn't able to attend the gathering for it announced on such short notice. Only some MSC's that are also active in the Feast were there. Nevertheless, we made sure that this night would be a memorable one for her. 

The group gathered around her to pray. One by one, we declared our own personalized prayer for her aloud. We also sang her favorite songs from our previous Feast services. It was a very touching moment for her and for all of us too.

(Silverhawks Guys)

(Siverhawks Girls)

I had mixed feelings that night. I'm truly happy that she will be able to pursue her dream, but I couldn't help being sad as well for another asset of the group has gone away to look for greener pastures in a strange land. How much more of this will I have to take??


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