Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The Maysan Senior Choir, under the leadership of two exceptional individuals, Annalyn (Alto) and Mark (Tenor)  has finally come to a close. Sad, but full of high hopes for future positive achievements for the group under the new reign.

Then came the last segment of the party. The election of the MSC President and Vice President for 2011 and 2012.

Yes, it is a two-year term. This rule started during Tita Lulu's (Soprano) term a few years back when the group was on the brink of devastation and we had no choice but to retain and rely on her leadership in order to survive. Fortunately, we did!... and with flying colors!  

I may not call this a formal election because all of us knew who the next officers would be, thanks to my overly terrifying convincing skills. But honestly, I really wanted these people to win because I truly believe in them. And I'm sure the group will be in good hands.

The people I'm talking about are Jaypee (Bass) and Glady (Alto).

Jaypee was at the top of my list for president since the summer of 2010. I realized how hardworking he is! When we were in Bataan, he was truly a leader and a very industrious one at that! I just hope he will be able to cope up with the group's schedules and his present employment at Crown Plaza Hotel. Free accommodations everyone! (joke) 

Glady on the other hand is also very responsible. She makes time to attend meetings with the Parish Council and never fails to give updates to her co-members in spite of her busy schedule as a company nurse. I also saw the "leader" in her for all her help as an aide to then President, Annalyn in calling out members to attend mass and rehearsals. 

Like I said, I am very hopeful and happy that the choir could move on again with a new ray of light leading towards the group's path to further greatness.

Congratulations, Jaypee and Glady.
Thank you very much, Cocoy and Mackoy!

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