Monday, February 21, 2011


Eversince I joined MSC, the TENORS have always been the dominant section. They make up most of the population of the group. 

I recently discovered "retro" pictures that show how the TENORS of MSC excel in other aspects too!

In the past, the MSC Christmas Parties had contests between the SATB sections. It was a friendly competition which aims to develop unity and creativity among the members of each of the four sections. The Tenors never fail to come up with dazzling ideas that are way out of the box presentation-wise every year that consistently amaze their co-members and judges with their humor and charm! Though they don't get to win the Grand Prize every time, they make sure to harvest the laughter from the crowd that for them, is much more that a trophy or crown!

And but of course I'm a TENOR! (ahaha!) ☺ 

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