Saturday, August 15, 2009


In the dawn of the social networking era, Facebook stood out from the rest of the popular sites. Aside from the popular games like Farmtown, Mafia Wars, Poker and what have you's, the site offers a wide variety of options that would make you linger there for long hours!
I admit, that it was one reason why I hibernated from blogging for quite some time. It's just that I have times when I have "word diarrhea" that I need an avenue wherein I could put all my ideas into words and so far, this blogsite still enables me to do so.
In the photo is Ryan (tenor) going crazy about Facebook.


I have mentioned in my previous "latest" blogs that I have "flourishing" social life right now after being stuck and stagnant in my hometown for the longest time.

But in the case of these two fellows, will there be another episode of a "flourishing love affair" that the whole MSC family is dying to witness once more?

Judging by the way they move, I am very much optimistic...


There were a lot of clamouring from our younglings these past few weeks for the MSC elders to sponsor another fancy Starbucks Coffee treat in Facebook! I wonder when will that be...


It was almost a month since my last entry here in this blogsite. And I wonder if I could still be able to make entries here on a daily basis (but I still intend to, hopefully). So, for now, I have come up with this particular blog dedicated for our dear members celebrating their birthdays in the month of August!

We wish that you'll be able to be more serious about your craft.

We wish that God would bless you with the time to serve Him with us!

We wish you happiness and contentment in life.

We wish that you'll stay the same, humble and kind-hearted person we've always loved.


After weeks and weeks of nothingness, the msc blogger has finally returned. Many happy and sad moments I failed to document have happened... much to my regret that I wasn't eager (or industrious) enough to log in and update this site.

But hopefully, things would go back to normal since I will be having a normal routine once again after all my major chores and/or obligations for other sectors in my "flourishing" social life have come to pass. Please bear with me, dear readers and thank you.

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