Tuesday, July 6, 2010


As sort of a prelude to the Manager's Place proceedings... I would like to share what transpired before we got to Morong...

MSC had to make a stop over at the newly built PUREGOLD SUBIC for some last minute shopping for the essential grocery items. The seniors handled the groceries while some went in to buy some "kikay" stuff! 

Then again, the guys had another thing in mind to buy! The Booze for our late-night drinking spree! 


Finally, the blogger is back to share what has happened to his beloved group these past few months!

The summer of this year was really a hot one! As in literally HOT! The "El Nino Phenom" clearly made itself known to the whole country as well as the rest of the ASEAN region. The heat kept on adding up each day, like a big oven set to HEAT up at daily increments... 

Fortunately, MSC had a lot of believers who helped finance this year's excurtion. Sort of a reward for the members for their unrelenting hard work in serving their church. A perfect chance for us as well to relieve ourselves from all this heat!

The chosen venue for 2010 was up north, at Manager's Place in Morong, Bataan... A humble and rustic resort with gracious and accommodating people who are ever so ready to assist the group in every way they can. The resort was complete with airconditioned kabanas that are enough to divide us into three rowdy groups...

The sand was sufficienly fine, the water, soothing and the cold breeze instanly eased away the stresses and pressures of work, school and the annoying summer climate. The group wasted no time and headed straight to the beach for some picture taking and nature appreciation. It's not everyday the we could escape from the city to enjoy the awesome gifts that nature has to offer, anyway.

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