Wednesday, February 22, 2012


We now come to the final stage of our three-day experience in the country of Macau...

An uphill road leading to one of the famous landmarks this small country has to offer.

The Ruins of St. Paul the Apostle Church. A stone church facade is all that was left caused by a great fire more than a century ago. The site was breathtaking. After climbing the 66 stone steps leading up to the landmark a path worth taking. There is also a small museum at the back where  relics of the ruined but historical church are showcased.

After our mini-tour at the ruins, we went on to mangle on free food samples along the streets, grabbed some warm coffee form Starbucks and finally, bought our "pasalubongs" for our loved-ones back home. Just a few freshening up and we headed straight back to the airport, said our heartfelt goodbyes to Karesse and boarded our plane homeward bound.



Ahh... The Venetian Hotel.

Where decadence is present everywhere you set your eyes upon. This Hotel is located at the heart of Taipa, Macau and it is  just a brief bus ride away from the airport. This is where Karesse is currently employed as a singer/ gondolier.

Fact: This hotel is the biggest single structure building in Asia, 40-storeys high comprising 3,000 suites (imagine that!) and boasts for the most number of Filipino Gondoliers in the world!

The main "visual" attraction of the hotel is the portion of it showcasing a little glimpse of Venice, Italy.  Hence the name, "The Venetian", It never fails to serve as a "come on" for tourists and natives alike.

Located deep within this massive structure is an indoor river where gondolas cruise around and gondoliers sing beautifully for passengers and on-lookers on the sides of the river. The river is surrounded by facades mimicking the ones in Venice. Although I haven't actually been in Venice. (ahaha!)

There is also a vast casino on the ground floor! Unfortunately, we cannot take pictures of it. One other unique feature of the hotel was the curved escalator which was the first in Asia.

The lobby was indeed an epitome of opulence! The murals spread arcoss the ceilings like paintings of Michael Angelo with a modern twist. The Venetian Hotel experience is one which I'll be remembering for years to come. 

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