Saturday, September 24, 2011


After almost three months of non-service at the OLHRP church, MSC finally has gotten back on track. Weekly Practice Sessions have commenced and of course the weekend gimmicks with the group that come after are back!!!

We kicked off this month with a "two-venue" breakfast. First was at a newly renovated restaurant along McArthur Highway (my apologies, I forgot the name).

The food was nicely plated, the restaurant, large and roomy with different functional areas to dine in and it's a shame on my part for forgetting the name of the place. Hopefully, we'll have a chance to come back there again soon. The group chose to dine in a chozy nook on the upstairs part of the place which you'll be able to enjoy the view of the very cluttered and polluted McArthur Highway.  

While we're at it, what is breakfast without some fancy Grandes and Ventis? So our next stop was to the not so farther north, at Starbucks along NLEX, Marilao.

It is always nice to splurge a couple of dough to endulge on one's cravings once in a while surrounded by the people you could genuinely laugh and spend meaningful time with. It is always worth it.

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