Saturday, July 2, 2011


I can't believe my eyes as I read a text message I received from a co-member and officer of MSC saying that my choir won't be having any scheduled service at our church for three whole months! Apparently, the choir's officers failed to attend the latest of the monthly meetings so the higher ups decided to suspend us from service as punishment.

The feeling was overwhelmingly disappointing for me! Has the OLHRP leaders lost their wits? How can they give good governance to the people who unselfishly give their time to serve while they bask on implementing punishments rather than encouragement?? And how where they able to put up people to govern the Church with crappy mindsets??

All the while, I thought that my choir's long standing reputation of being the most rebellious amongst all the other choirs in this parish has long been forgotten. But somehow, after hearing this news, it tells me that it has never been erased after all.  It's just waiting to emerge once again. It's like having a curse of constant persecution.

Honestly, my patience is already wearing thin. And my bitterness towards these people who constantly bring us down is growing at a rate unimaginable. I may not be able to withstand persecution anymore. Can anybody help?  

Oh and yes, the notice of the alleged meeting where we failed to send representatives to, also FAILED to get to us.

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