Thursday, February 24, 2011


Just wondering...

When will I be able to put up a big musical extravaganza for my choir just like what the late great Sir Roni Verga did for MSC in the past? And he did it twice to help up raise funds for the construction of a big church. 

It has been a long time since MSC got involved with such a challenging feat. Even if we never fail to receive positive feedback from believers and friends during Sunday services and special occasions, we always held ourselves back and away from the spotlight. The complements never really lured us to the intoxicating fumes of fame and fortune. It was never my priority, even. But as I turn into my 12th year of handling MSC after the sudden passing of our good mentor Sir Roni, it got me asking myself...

So am I really contented to do just this, for good?

In the past, MSC was not just your ordinary church choir. It was also a flag bearer of this small and humble town of Maysan. Thus the name Maysan Choir, right? The group joined many inter-town and inter-parish competitions as well. Though MSC don't usually bring home the bacon, at least they get exposed to certain pressures that enable them to strive more as an excellent singing group.

Should I push myself and my team to do what the others have done in the past? That I should continue the legacy of Sir Roni? Is it up to me to tell whether MSC is ready for a major choral event or am I just putting the group into a major meltdown? 

1 comment:

  1. This may be a very late reaction but why not?

    I believe my dad, Sir Roni, trained you well.

    The current generation may not be the same as the past but I believe there are still some you can count on for the realization of your vision.

    As it is, I know that my father is proud and thankful in what you have accomplished with MSC. He will be doubly happy if he see you bring MSC to the spotlight once again.

    Stepping out on the spotlight will not be easy but definitely worth the try.

    I'm sure my dad will back you up and he will continue praying for MSCs success.

    All the best MSC. Continue to play beautiful music. God bless. v^^v



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