Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Yes! This may look like a mysterious paparazzi shot but it's certainly obvious who these people are! Cocoy, Mackoy and Millette went on an all out summer extravaganza in the island of Boracay on 22-April, 2011. It was a 3-day stay and according to Cocoy, it was certainly one for the books! Everyone had a great time...

I think the flying fish experience had a lot to do with it! (ahaha!)

I still have high hopes that one day, MSC will get to walk along the shores of Bora together in one heck of a trip!     


We got lost along the way.

But after a few U-turns and inquiries at several by-standers along the roadside, we managed to get to our final and ultimate destination, The Immaculate Conception Seminary in Guiginto, Bulacan.

Now this is something else. Within the compound, devotees get to do the "Visita Iglesia" on foot! There's no need for a ride because the altars were set not so far from each other. You just have to find your way from one building to the next. Many people were there as well. Some come in large groups of families and friends, while others in pairs and yet others alone (for a much more solemn meditation) This reminds me of an old tourist spot in Manila, the "Nayong Pilipino" wherein you get to see miniature famous places and landmarks smacked in one place. That's why I consider this visit to the Seminary "a walk in the park", LITERALLY!  

The seminarians (pupils studying to be future priests) were really accommodating. Everyone of them were all really to assist any visitor for directions and their other needs. The visitors on the other hand were nice to respect the sanctity of the place. 

This year's Maundy Thursday is truly a date worthy of remembering. I just hope that MSC had a joyous yet meaningful time doing this in spite of all the discomforts we have expecienced while we were at it.

It is also right to always bear in our hearts that the "Sacrifice" has already been done. The Lord already did that for us a long time ago. None of us can measure up that kind of sacrifice that only a Loving God can do. I believe that the only way to please God is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


While driving to Guiginto, Bulacan, another church by the river caught our attention and we headed straight toward it! It was the church of St. Martin de Tours.

The place was packed with so many devotees and we had to literally squeeze our way in. But seeing the ornate altar was worth it, really! 


Monday, April 25, 2011


Visita Iglesia is a Catholic Christian Tradition influenced by our Spanish colonizers  where the Catholic Faithful visit seven (or more??) churches for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament during Maundy Thursday. 

It was a scorching hot afternoon on the 21st of April when MSC drove to Bulacan for a Visita Iglesia. There were only ten of us that day and we had to endure the heat of a non-air conditioned truck, the hunger and thirst and the terrible traffic!

First stop was in Bulacan, Bulacan where our former parish priest at OLHRP, Rev. Fr. Albert Suatengco is currently assigned. We encountered a lot of Catholic fanatics along the way to the church who were trying to imitate the sufferings and hardships of Jesus Christ, hoping for an absolution of the sins they have committed. It's more of self mutilation if you ask me. This also contributed to the nasty traffic but it surely was a feast for a photo geek like me! You don't get to see blood and gore in the streets everyday, right?

The Our Lady of the Assumption Parish church was our first station. After the mass, we headed straight to Fr. Albert. He surely was happy to see us there and was gracious to even offer us some refreshments for strength for the long journey ahead.  


After indulging ourselves with unlimited coffee and biscuits (with the permission of the kind church ladies), we headed off to another shrine not far from Fr. Albert's parish.

Our second destination was surely a showstopper!!! Although I failed to catch the name of the church. This one was illuminated with candles, giving out a reddish ambient glow! The angel figures surrounding the altar were real people, they pose like mannequins and change positions every 5 minutes or so! I was truly amazed!


Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today, 14th of April, is Jayvee's birthday (after hundreds of entries on this site, I think this is the first time I made a birthday blog on the exact date! Whew!).

We had rehearsals just now intended for the coming Palm Sunday (Apr. 17). But the birthday boy was a "no-show"! Apparently the whole team was expecting a large wave of delicious food from Jayvee but it didn't happen tonight. Oh well.

We wish you Happiness and Success on all your endeavors!
God bless you, more!   


It was just now that I realized how long it has been since my last blog entry. I had a lot of things going on and hadn't the luxury of time to be creative with my outpour of thoughts.

Just recently, MSC President, Jann Paul Cruz celebrated his birthday on the 9th of March. Since he had no time to organize a party for himself, because of his erratic schedule at Crown Plaza Hotel, his choirmates decided to have an after-practice celebration at my place instead. 

Throwing a party may not be always as posh and extravagant... It can be just a simple gathering of loveones celebrating Life! 

Continue to be a blessing to others!

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