Monday, December 14, 2009


About more than a week after landing in the Philippines for a homecoming holiday visit, Ate Bhing (Alto) finally met with MSC and had the chance to share her blessings with the group in a special dinner at Dencio's Grill in Quezon City, last Saturday, December 12, 2009.

This group consists of the older batch of members that Ate Bhing was able to serve in the church with when she has not yet migrated to Australia. The dinner was intimate with just a not so long table (but a whole lot of food served). Memories of the past, especially the funnier ones were most of what have been talked about and laughed at that night. Most importantly, there was a chance for Ate Bhing to catch up with the happenings of each and every person present that night on a personal level.

The dinner came to an end at 1AM, Sunday after finishing a pitcher of Dencio's Frozen Blue Margarita for MSC has to serve for the Mass at 8:30 the following morning. Brief yet memorable.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Hello MSC! Our very own Ate Bhing (Alto) is here in the Philippines! It was a surprise homecoming that only my sister, MSC alum, Pam (Soprano) knew and kept secret from all of us, her family, until she had no choice but to tell me about it for she needed someone to be with her when she picks Ate Bhing from the airport at (supposedly) 7:00 in the morning.
It was a long ride to the airport and I was restless in my seat. I couldnt wait to see Ate Bhing again after almost a year! She didn't know that I was with Ate Pam and she herself got surprised to see me there.
Her main purpose of coming home is to see the family and her friends and to attend to a batch reunion consisting of former classmates from St. Jude Academy (now named La Consolation Colleges) where she had her secondary schooling. She's here to spend another warm Christmas in the Philippines where most Filipinos abroad yearn to have an opportunity of doing.
It was a glorious flight she says and is very happy to see all of us, her family and some friends. Worry not, my dear MSC for she will make time to see the group very soon!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hello again, everyone! We were given new songs to be studied for the coming Christmas season this year by our Parochial Vicar after the General assembly we had just this afternoon. And I need your full support on this so we can be able to finish studying the songs ahead of time.
The songs are arranged in unison. And I have no plans of making it SATB. We'll just settle for plainly the melody for now. We don't have the luxury of time to study in different sections, as in SATB because the song pieces were given at such short notice. Im sure everyone would agree with me on this one.


I attended the Feast in Valenzuela last Thursday. As always, I was part of the music ministry of the gathering .

The day after, I got a lost friend back. God gave me the courage to go and try to reconnect. And I did! And now, I'm free!

The Feast in Valenzuela is so awesome! Miracles do happen! Attend the Feast, my friends. Recieve the shower of abundant blessings! Who knows... the next one to get a miracle might be YOU!


This photo was taken during Meanne's Wedding at the Manila Cathedral last May of 2009. Ate Josie and daughter Angie were still here in the Philippines then...

I wonder how MSC manages to pull off such an act when we get invited to sing at other "famous" churches... How can we manage to present ourselves in a very "presentable" way when we are not at our own local church?...

Today, together with the other choirs of the Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish, we had our very first General Assembly under our Parochial Vicar, Fr. Nap. My apologies for not being resourceful enough to get his family name.

The meeting was long and very blunt. Blunt, for there were a lot of corrections, criticisms and improvements to be done especially regarding the individual choir's behaviors. That there were even pictures of the choirs behaving badly in church. The issues of Latecomers, chatters and cellphone users during the Holy Mass are of high priority in the discussion! Yes, I felt a bit guilty in those departments for I know very well how my choir behaves compared to the other choirs. I somehow tolerated it over the years and failed to do anything about it when I had all the chance being their present musical adviser.

The choir being part of the LITURGY (which means public service) and in every aspect of it not just confined to singing during the Mass. The whole aspect of the mass must be observed by each and every choir member. For public service should be taken seriously for the common good of everybody and not being treated as a joke. How can we be able to convince the congregation to sing with us when all they see from our "service" rendered is POOR service? Service that encompasses the relationship between choirs and choir mates and the attitude that we display when we are on that wooden Loft inside the church in front of the all these people. I'm talking solely of the behavior and not the quality of singing, my dear choir mates, as far as MSC is concerned, that is! (hehe!)

Well, being an advocate of progress, I am NOW willing to abide by these new rules that will be imposed immediately, according to our Vicar. I am also asking for support from my choir mates so that MSC will set a good example for the other choirs to emulate since we always claim to be the OLDEST CHOIR ever founded in this Parish. It's time to get a bit serious, folks! No more fooling around this time. I pray that through our efforts, God will be delighted. For we go to church not to please the authorities but only God.

God bless us all!
(special thanks for the photo, Meanne)

Friday, November 6, 2009


Okay. Let's go a few days backwards...

On October 29, at the Valenzuela Centre for the Arts (A.K.A. Valenzuela Auditorium) the Kerygma feast was held after being rescheduled due to... you guessed it, TYPHOON ONDOY. The activity transpired on a Thursday. Because that was the only time the Auditorium was available.

The topic was about FAITH.

Where do you place faith in the middle of a typhoon, I wonder? Then I remembered the passage about the "walking on the water". Peter, Jesus' apostle, bold as he is, as always, he wanted to go near where Jesus stood in the water amidst gigantic waves during a storm. As he was so eager to walk on the water, he failed to grab the most important ingredient to make him float alongside Jesus. AND THAT IS FAITH!

But then, Peter made a grand comeback when he realized that Jesus was just beside him, ready to rescue him from drowning. Now that's what I call a comeback. It doesn't really matter how many times we fail in our lives. What matters is how much God is willing to pick us up where we stumbled.

I was privileged to sing with the people I have been singing with for this spiritual activity for years now. Of course there were new faces, too. But at the back of my mind, I still think of the moments I spent singing with Ate Josie (alto) and Angie (soprano) with me during the feast...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


MSC welcomes back Glady Mendiola (soprano), a resident of Bahayang Pag-asa Subdivision. This was her first time to attend the Mass and rehearsals after almost three years (I think!). May your comeback be as fruitful as ever!


This topic has long been overdue... But I'll still post it nonetheless:

Because Christmas is just around the corner, the elders of MSC have decided for the group to have a weekly collection of twenty bucks from each member who have been with us for a certain period of time.

Members who will come late during the Mass and rehearsals shall pay an additional 20 bucks as penalty. Even the members who fails to attend the mass and the rehearsals will definitely not be spared. This aims to teach the members of punctuality and reliability to the group. There were no complains nor violent reactions from the members so the plan materialized on September, 2009!

All the proceeds would automatically be spent during most of our special activities like Christmas Party and Summer Excursions. Our newest "tax collectors" are sinister sisters, Ode and Ikang... Be good and pay up, everyone!


We, Filipinos have always been sentimental people. We show how much we care for other people, relatives and friends even if they are not with us anymore. It is very much exemplified by the fact how much we spend time at the cemetery during All Souls' and All Saints' days. MSC is not an exemption.
Our current president, Cocoy was spotted spending time with her family and close relatives at a certain cemetery on Nov. 1. Perhaps many other members were doing the same thing too during this time...
Happy Long Weekend, everyone!

Monday, November 2, 2009


This was a photo taken when Leo (Ibayan), Bass (wearing red shirt) and wife Gigie came home to the Philippines to celebrate Christmas.

HAPPY ALL SOULS DAY... err, we mean...

May you be successful in all your endeavours! We miss and love you! God bless you always! =)


I went to Ortigas three days after Typhoon Ondoy/Ketsana pummeled the Metro after having been invited to help pack relief goods for the victims of the said typhoon. At Zoe Broadcasting Network where I was escorted by my sisters, I came upon a room filled with happy people with smiles that seemed to be stamped on their faces. Some even buried by piles of canned meat and sacks of rice that are being divided into smaller portions, but laughter and smiles still exude their aura.

Boxes of canned meat and fish filled the room. Plastic pails, sacks of rice, noodles, biscuits and towels and other toiletries seemed to go in, in a seemingly unending fashion. I was overwhelmed! I asked myself, "What have I gotten myself into, this time?".

After a little chit-chat with the organizers of this relief operation, work commenced...

With the limited space allotted for each volunteer, I thought that I had to go out of the room to find a place where I could fold the towels properly before they could be put inside plastic bags that are due to be distributed the following morning. In the middle of the process, I felt bored. My back ached from carrying the towels outside the room and bringing them back in after I have folded them. And like I said, it was like an unrelenting flow of tasks! And when I bring the towels back inside, I still see the people, my fellow volunteers seemingly enjoying their work. I even heard occasional loud chortles and chuckles! I was confused! Why would they laugh when they have been working long hours even before I got there? Why would they laugh when all these had to be packed before sunrise?

And during that time, while I was alone, working by myself, I realized how blessed I am to be volunteering rather than being one of the victims.

I thought of the word "relief"... In the dictionary, it means "lightening of something oppressive"... Then, I thought of the people who had no choice but to wait for relief goods to arrive in the midst of the floods and chaos brought about by the onslaught of Ondoy. When all we had to give was something to "lighten" their current dire situation.

What if no one came to offer relief?

What if we run out of relief to give?

I fought hard to concentrate on my tasks so I could finish my work as quick as possible and then move on to another post in our cramped assembly line knowing that I would always find a warm, dry bed to sleep on after my volunteering shift is over, as my consolation.

No wonder my fellow volunteers smiled and laughed together a lot. Even in long hours of hard labor. Carrying loads and loads of goods is a very serious matter. But they worked without any complains whatsoever in the still of the night to the wee hours of the morning. We ALL have every reason to rejoice! For we are still alive and safe in the protection provided by the Lord above.

Makes me want to break into song...

"When the oceans rise and thunders roar,
I will soar with you above the storm!
Father, you are King over the flood,
I will be still for you are God!"

I am very sure that some other MSC members may have been heroes in their own rights during these times but there wasn't any chance to share it with us in this blogsite. I just know it! My volunteering work at Zoe may just be a speck compared to the others who have reached out to help the typhoon victims. But I hope and pray that my work would be pleasing to the eyes of my God!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Hello MSC! From this day onward, I will be placing a watermark on every photo that I post in our blogsite to add a personal touch to the pictures that I have taken or may have manipulated on. A watermark embedded in the pictures cannot be removed nor be tampered unless cropped off. It names the owner and editor of the photo.

This photo was taken about five years ago. This was actually one of my first attempts to embed a watermark on some of my Photoshop Projects in the past without having any real knowledge of the importance of a watermark.

I named my watermark


i.e. I- (Ivan), IMAG- (Image), (Machine)- INE

This is just sort of giving an identity to the photos I've dealt with, perhaps a chance to advertise the skills I've acquired from my limited knowledge in "PHOTOSHOPPING" too.

I must stress out that this is not about self-glorification whatsoever.


Monday, October 12, 2009


This shot was taken at Hotel Vida in Clark, Pampanga.

Somehow, looking at this pic got me thinking of weird means of getting people on board MSC that I won't dare discussing in this segment (not just yet). I'm still not that contented with the number of members we currently have. And it's a shame if we all fail to maintain an ideal number of "functioning" members in our group. It would surely be tragic for our present generation of MSC's if we put a halt in bringing forth new members.
That's why I invite all you talented people out there to sign up with the Maysan Senior Choir.


As we were finishing up our fancy drinks and winding up our chitchats at Starbucks, NLEX, Marilao, we encountered a familiar face entering the Coffee Shop. It was Fr. Mar Arenas, one of the members of the Levites Band. He went there for an after-concert coffee before heading home to his parish at the Divine Mercy Shrine also in Marilao, Bulacan. It was about past 1:00 AM then.

It was my chance to get an autograph from him so I made Cocoy rummage through her things to find one of our used tickets where I would want Fr. Mar to sign on. It was also an opportunity indeed to personally meet him.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Well, the Levites concert was a success especially to the people who have heard them for the first time. In our case, I and my trusted choirmates opted to go some place else after seeing our very own Tito Boyet and his bandmates perform away on stage as front act for the Levites Band.

The long walk from the venue to the parking lot was swift! All three of us were eager to board the car and go! Destination? Starbucks!!!

Sorry for those members petitioning for another Starbucks night. You didn't show up at the concert anyway. Hehe!!!


The Levites in the bible, is a Hebrew tribe led by their patriarch Levi, one of the 12 sons of Jacob. They are a clan of priests.

In the Diocese of Malolos, Bulacan, there is a band of singing priests who named themselves after the said tribe. They aim to evangelise the faithful through the songs that they sing. Their songs may not sound church(ish) at all, but they sure know how to put in points from the bible into them. Their song selections are of those of the positive side of thing which bring hope and cheer for the people who need it. They have done a lot of concerts in our parish and other neighboring parishes before and have done concerts even abroad!

Last October 5, the Levites went back to OLHRP to do a concert held at the Maysan Barangay Hall. This is part of OLHRP's fund raising program for the old Maysan Chapel's much needed rehab and renovation.  A couple of us were there to support. Recent events brought about by the devastation of typhoon Ketsana (Ondoy) in numerous parts of the country led the concert organizers to give part of the proceeds to the people who were affected by the typhoon as well. Which I think was truly a noble gesture.

Tatay Boyet (Bass) was one of the front acts. Along with Mike Carag (honorary MSC member), Danny Anonuevo (our musical director at the Kerygma Feast) and Barangay Captain and MSC alumnus Hon. Eric Urrutia, who called themselves "Cap and Company". Their group and their songs were well received by the audience as well especially the fact that the Barangay Captain himself was personally serenading his constituents!

Many people came out to support the Levites concert, displaying their utmost enthusiasm to support these priests. The whole barangay function hall was packed! I would say that this was a successful concert. Especially since the proceeds would go to the ones who are in dire need of it.


Some people really don't know when to stop! Believe me, I know. Because I'm one of those people (ahaha!).

Right after a very nice meal at Mang Inasal to celebrate Harun's (Bass) birthday, some of us stayed behind and decided to transfer to a much bigger SM that is SM City, North EDSA. Initially, it was just for coffee at Starbucks or Seattle's Best but as we went further along, we decided to do some shopping and have a bit of pampering as well.

We went to a famous wellness spa at the basement level of SM City Annex for some foot scrubbing and massage after walking for long hours looking for things to buy! Apparently, the urge of getting my hair cut also got the best of me, so another reason to spend once again!
Our fat wallets may have lost a couple of bucks that day, but the happiness you get from true friends are simply things that money can't buy...


Sunday... typhoon's left Manila (but not yet in the provinces, sigh...), but it is not reason for us not to celebrate a special day of one of our colleagues.
It's Harun's Birthday! That is why right after the usual practice, MSC headed straight to SM Hypermarket in Valenzuela to have a nice meal at Mang Inasal (present MSC fave lunch spot).


Saturday, October 3, 2009

"Dream as if u'll live forever, Live as if u'll die today."

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I bet something's cooking up at the Ibayan residence somewhere in the United Kindom!




I was totally surprised yesterday while I was checking out some pictures of typhoon Ondoy's devastation in Facebook when I encountered this particular set of pictures taken by a High School friend of mine living in Marulas, Valenzuela.

Marulas is known for its notorious floods even in the slightest rain. But the recent typhoon proved to be more than just your ordinary storm especially to the people of Marulas. And when I saw these pictures, I thought the messed up vehicle and the one person there, looked very familiar.

It was Tito Boyet's delivery van that was lying sideways along the highway and a driver-cousin trying to salvage some raw materials for their factory as he could among many others whose vehicles got stalled and washed away by the recent flood. It is really heartbreaking to see that even my co-members were not spared. Remember that some of MSC members got stranded in their workplaces and another one even walked for long hours just to get home.

But thankful enough, there were no serious casualties. God is good to us. There may be times that things like these happen. Catastrophic events that could destroy everything that we hold dear. But if we try to dig deep into the root of all these, we might realize that maybe, just maybe, we have something to do with it after all...

God promised Noah in Genesis that He will no longer wipe out the world through means of flood. God did not permit this flood to happen... We did...

Sunday, September 27, 2009


September 26, 2009 is definitely a day to remember for us Filipinos after experiencing an unprecedented weather phenomenon of biblical proportions.

I'm referring to typhoon Ondoy which pummeled and flooded most parts of Metro Manila and nearby provinces. Many people got stranded, lost their cars, their homes and even their lives yesterday.

I do not intend to make a mockery by posting a photo of MSC wearing our usual happy faces. Nor would I want to show the group being not too much affected by yesterday's events. But I wanted to show how grateful we are that the Lord protected us and our loved ones from the wrath caused by this storm.

Many members weren't able to attend service today. But all are safe eventhough some got stranded and chose to stay put in their respective workplaces to wait for the floods to subside. But our group opted to go on with practice after the service anyway.

We started rehearsing songs for the Christmas Season... And I couldn't help thinking of the people who would not be celebrating Christmas the same way again after Ondoy's devastation.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I miss the nightlife with MSC. For the past weeks, I've been able to go out with another crowd and enjoy myself with them. But when I think of the people I left behind back home, like my MSC, I couldn't help imagining being with them too...
I miss the unplanned going to Starbucks at some gas station in the north...
I miss watching concerts with MSC at the Araneta...
I miss eating at a fancy restaurant whenever there is an occasion to celebrate...
I miss wandering around at some mall till it closes...
I miss the "for the boys/girls" gatherings...
I miss the evening rehearsals...
I miss bowling with MSC...
I miss hanging out at some co-member's house and having a great time...
These are some things I terribly miss about MSC and those were just but a portion of the things I miss. The colors that help liven up this group eversince I became part of it...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Another MSC member with a fine soprano voice is currently out of the scene...
Joy Cruz, niece of legendary MSC tenor, Oyet de Galicia is presently an employee at a local cooperative. Unfortunately, her work days include Sundays so she fails to join the weekly church services and rehearsals.
But no matter, when she finds another job, hopefully soon, things would go back to normal to both her and MSC.
We miss you, Joy.


This photo was taken ages ago when the digital camera has just made its debut and penetrated the MSC lifestyle.
Two guitar fanatics. One veteran, Arnel (the Big Brother of MSC) and one apprentice, Jeffrey (Jeff or Junjun to his co-members). It's a good thing that MSC never runs out of young members interested of being a "virtuoso" someday. And we are simply glad that there are people around who are willing to share their skills for others to learn.
MSC is indeed all about sharing and helping one another in every aspect possible.


I know your 18th birthday has long passed. But this is my only means of giving you a gift (for now, that is). How I wish to have sung for you on that special day.

She May be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay

She May be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day

She May be the beauty or the beast
May be the famine or the feast
May turn each day into a heaven or a hell
She may be the mirror of my dreams
The smile reflected in a stream
She may not be what she may seem
Inside her shell

She Who always seems so happy in a crowd
Whose eyes can be so private and so proud
No one's allowed to see them when they cry
She May be the love that cannot hope to last
May come to me from shadows of the past
That I'll remember till the day I die

She May be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I'm alive
The one I'll care for through the rough in ready years
Me I'll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I've got to be

The meaning of my life is
She, oh she

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The mother and daughter tandem has long gone to San Francisco but shortly after, God blessed us yet again with the Jian and Jian Co.! Sinister sisters, Odessa (alto) and Francesca Oba (soprano) , also known as Odeh and Ikang are nieces of MSC's "tatay" Boyet. I used to see them roaming around their family compound when they were little as we hold rehearsals there in the past. Now they're all grown up and ready to become part of MSC and serve their church just like their uncle.
I recieved a note via Facebook by Ikang telling me how much she enjoys the rehearsals and the church songs. I am very much delighted that she/they feel that way.


During the reign of the "not so old" generation of MSC, there blossomed a friendship that exists like no other...

The funny yet very insightful trio of Jhun (Cruz), Leo (Ibayan) and Larry (de Guzman). All sing as Basses for MSC, they possess many very simple things in common. They make us happy, they give assitance of those who are in need and they all love their families. That is one reason why they clicked and stood the test of time. There have experienced many trials in life but they prevailed. They bravely faced and overcame every negative thing that went their ways until they've grown to be as if one impenetrable force.

As a young member during their time, I have learned a lot from them and managed to respect the value of friendship displayed by these men that I have witnessed for years and years while all of us belonged together as members of MSC.
It is sad that they had to go their seperate ways. For they have individual goals and dreams too. One now based in the US, one in UK and another one stayed in the Philippines, all living successfully in their own rights. But truly enough, the deep bonds of friendship will always be alive in their hearts and minds.

A true-blooded, macho BFF!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Because of the numerous long weekends and non-working holidays that have been announced by the government these past few months, our barkada (which, most of us are MSC, both active and inactive) decided to go on a trip to the far south of the Philippines... BORACAY!!!

One may think it is a bit weird to go to the beach especially if the probability of the sun showing up was slim during this time of the year. But the airfare and hotel accommodation rates were simply irresistable! Too hard to pass off!

After a smooth, 45-minute plane ride via Zest Air from NAIA to Calibo and another two-long hour bus ride to Caticlan, all of us were graciously welcomed by the staff of 357 BORACAY. Complete with welcome drinks and shell necklaces! It definitely was worth the wait!

357 Boracay is a clean and very cozy beachfront boutique hotel. The stylish and cool air conditioned rooms were fabulous! Fit for the choosy and the meticulous (ahrrrm!).

As I roam around and get stoked by the clear blue ocean and fine, white sands, it got me instantly imagining of my MSC being with me on this adventure.

The first day (arrival) was purely laid-back-mode for most of us, "vacationistas"! All we did was rest, lounge around the hotel, eat, windowshop and "girl or boy watch" along this 5 km worldclass shoreline. Videoke and a couple of drinks was the thing in the evening.

The second day was the complete opposite! I was actually up at 5:30 in the morning so I could be able to take advantage of every moment of my stay on this island. The cool morning breeze of the ocean was as great as the breakfast, provided by the hotel! The sensation was like, as Edward Cullen would say... "it's like having my own brand of heroin".

The itinerary was bustling with activities!!! We rented a boat that would take us for fishing in the middle of the ocean, go snorkeling and marine diving. We had lunch on one of the neighboring islands called Magic Island, where we were served delicious Chicken and Pork BBQ's, Sinigang na Hipon and fresh fruits to satisfy our hunger from all the water activities that we did the whole morning.

(the "marine walk" adventure)
In the evening, since it was also because of Mom's upcoming 70th birthday thus this plan of a holiday in Boracay was organized, we enjoyed a sumptuous banquet of meat, seafoods and veggies prepared by the wonderful people of 357.

(Mommy's 70th birthday banquet)

(Caticlan Airport Passenger Lounge)

Our three-day "off season" vacation will truly be remembered by all of us. Im hoping we'll get to come back soon. 

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